Policy Advisory

Understand and overcome Circular economy, Regulatory, Customs & Alignment, Single Trade windows, Standards and ESG compliance issues

Digital Trade

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Digitalisation increases the scale, scope, and speed of trade, allowing firms to bring new products and services to a larger number of customers globally. It also enables firms, notably SMEs, to use new and innovative digital tools to overcome barriers to growth and making trade faster, safer and cheaper.

GoGlobal Trade advises corporates and governments on how to implement digital trade flow in an inclusive and technology neutral manner where data can be managed and accessed by all.

Benefits include:

  • Increased access to information and an improved ability to communicate.
  • Ability to trade and to access markets more easily and over greater distances.
  • Access to a variety of cost-efficient financial services with low barriers to entry.
  • Enhanced enterprise identification and counterparty assessment.
  • Synergies with the development and diffusion of green businesses and technologies.
  • Examples of improving the overall digital economy through Innovation, building efficiency and creating sustainability in the Public & private sectors include


    We advise governments on addressing digital trade with how to implement programmes that will process digital and paper in parallel, making the transition to digital seamless for all parties involved in trade.


    In ‘How is Digital Trade Currently Governed’ Douglas Lippoldt recalls a 1998 OECD publication that “famously stated” that “Open Markets Matter.” He continues with an observation that remains a cornerstone of economic theory; “the historical record confirms the economics that have established liberal market access for trade and investment in the period since the Second World War have tended to grow more rapidly than those that remained relatively closed.”

    At GoGlobal, we believe the same. Yet today many are aware of how changing national priorities and unilateral trade policies threaten not only the balkanization of digital trade into competing power-blocs, but perhaps the existing post-war system of global trade itself.

    This is why we believe a new architecture for Electronic Trade documents is not only critical, but inevitable. The question remains what technologies will be used, and how states can cooperate to usher in this transformation. As the percentage of digitally delivered and digitally ordered trade rapidly increases, we are also working towards new modalities through which to measure and empower a borderless digital economy of billions of people.


    One of the building blocks of international trade, the tied-and-tested Certificate of Origin (CO) remains a great paper based technology.

    Digital can improve the CO; easier to issue, interoperable across jurisdictions, far harder to fake, with provenance of the document clearly visible on the blockchain. As such, a recognised regime in COs is a significant step towards protecting supply chains, speeding up global trade, and ensuring a harmonious rather than balkanized trading environment.

    We are working with global leaders at the UN, European Union, UK, UAE and well known universities to lobby and advocate for new solutions in global trade, with digital COs as a key pillar.


    Many consultancies now offer advisory in Artificial Intelligence. Government departments are evolving their sophistication in this area, often in partnership with the private sector. GoGlobal differentiates itself by adopting a deep global perspective, working with experts in key jurisdictions such as the UK, USA, UAE, Singapore and China.

    Our work focuses on the application of AI in government, enabling regulation and incentives for the private sector, defense and digital trade.


    Technologies such as AI are making fraudulent impersonation on the Internet widely available, while Quantum computing may compromise high-level encryption in the future. A new attack surface is emerging which is not well understood.

    Our work in cybersecurity engages diplomats, academia and large private sector cybersecurity firms in producing advisory, policy and technical reporting on the challenges ahead.

    PPP Public Private Partnership

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    Providing a holistic approach to plan and execute infrastructure projects in an efficient, effective, and sustainable manner.

    PPP Journey

    Intended for those who are involved in the development or implementation of PPP Frameworks, or the initiation and preparation of PPP projects, mostly public sector officials, practitioners and their advisors or consultants.

    PPP Or Not?

    Not all projects can or should be delivered under the PPP delivery model. Identifying this will require an understanding of the main elements of a PPP including:

  • Overview of PPP Process Cycle
  • What is and what is not PPP
  • Types of PPP and Terminology Issues
  • Where are PPPs used
  • Typical basic structure of a PPP Project
  • Motivations for using PPPs
  • How a PPP Project is Financed
  • Developing A PPP Project

    Project development requires the tools and skills necessary for structuring and drafting tender and contract documents, awarding a contract and developing an efficacious delivery strategy.

  • Initial Project Assessment
  • Corporate Structuring
  • Project Agreements
  • Financial Structuring
  • Pre-Bid Analysis
  • Bid Preparation
  • Implementing A PPP Project

    Project Agreements can be complex and very detailed. Without the proper knowledge and understanding of these contracts it can lead to disrupted relationships between parties and disputes throughout the term of the agreement.

    Project sponsors need to mitigate and overcome the problems associated with the implementation of Project Agreements to ensure success throughout the project lifecycle.

  • Project Management
  • Stakeholder Management
  • Contract Management
  • Subcontractor Management
  • Supplier Management
  • Performance Management
  • Building Capacity Of The Project Team

    Providing general management and practicing professionals with an understanding of the strategic framework for the development and management of infrastructure projects over its lifecycle.

    1. Economic Planning

    Definition & General objectives

    2. Programme & Project Management


    Critical Path Planning

    Scope and scheduling

    Stakeholder Engagement

    3. Business Case Development

    Business Case Framework

    Strategic Investment Decision

    Outlining Options & Sourcing Route

    Demonstration of Value for Money

    Financing options/mechanisms

    4. Procurement Management

    Key Procurement Documentation

    Sourcing Documentation

    Procurement options


    5. Contract Management

    Key Contract Management considerations

    The Contract and The Contract Management Manual

    Formulate Administrative Processes

    Implement Information and Documentation Management systems

    6. Making Contracts Work

    Determine Types of Contracts and How They Should be Managed

    Establish Effective Contract Governance

    Relationship Management

    Importance of Stakeholder Management

    Transition Planning

    Procedures and obligations at Contract Term

    7. Risk Management

    Identifying the Risks

    Categorizing Risks

    Mitigating the Risks by Allocating or Transferring

    8. Performance Management

    Contract management and Evaluation model

    Link Performance and Payment Models

    Measure Short-Term, Medium Term and Long-Term Contracts

    9. Organizational Management

    Identification of Key Roles and Skills

    Governance and Conduct

    ESG Environmental Social Governance

    Strategy & Management

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    Corporates globally look for ways to attract international investors that impact sustainable growth potential. GoGlobal Trade will develop and assist ESG strategies that attract new investment and develop a programme that place corporates onto the ESG investment radar.

  • Greater capacity to attract more ESG investment
  • Enhance potential to increase Credit Ratings
  • Greater capacity to deliver Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • Development of accurate and workable national ESG data
  • Enhance capacity to comply with international protocols
  • Greater capacity to align investor-supported ESG-based partnerships
  • Illustrating ways in which embracing ESG turbo-boosts a business and makes it more sustainable


    We help businesses align to net zero requirements by setting science-based targets and helping develop a net zero mindset for decisions.


    Through knowledge and networks, we identify and connect your company with people, communities, social, economic & civil issues in each location where your company has a presence.


    We ensure your employees are key to activating your ESG strategy, and that ESG is integrated into – and drives benefit – for hiring, retention and D&I.


    Our expertise & proprietary tool delivers a complete data set for tracking, monitoring, and reporting your carbon footprint. We assess Scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions and prepare SECR, and other voluntary & mandatory reports.


    Through wide knowledge of social and environmental organisations we help you find the right nonprofit and innovation partners to co-deliver your ESG objectives.


    We ensure your ESG strategy engages and inspires all your stakeholders, from the boardroom to employees, from partners to the furthest reaches of your supply chain.


    Casting an ESG lens over your entire business can reveal areas where your product or service can benefit from alignment to your social or environmental strategy, and how you compare to key competitors.


    We can support your fulfilment of legally required reporting such as SECR and TCFD, and to voluntary reporting frameworks such as BCorps, SDGs, SASB or GRI. We can align your strategy to successfully tender for Social Value bids.


    We have expertise in developing short and long-term metrics to show progress against your ESG strategy and for inclusion in your Annual Report, for IPO preparation, or for internal & external communication.

    Procedure Reviews

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    GoGlobal Trade assist in reviews of International Trade policies in emerging markets where technology can also be a part of the solution for SMEs to excel in the Globalisation era.


    Each country has sets of regulations covering Product Standards, Safety, and Environmental impact. Navigating differences can be challenging for companies operating internationally.


    Compliance with Customs and Border regulations guide businesses. Efficient processing can reduce delays at borders, ensuring goods moving smoothly through the supply chain ensuring compliance, facilitating trade, and maintaining security.


    Countries impose tariffs and trade barriers, which affect the cost and availability of goods, leading to increased prices.


    Political events, economic downturns, and other geopolitical issues to minimize disruption.


    Ensuring are respected and protected across different jurisdictions is a complex issue in international trade.


    Predicting consumer demand is challenging in volatile markets. Supply chain management requiring planning, strategies, and adaptability to navigate complex and ever-changing challenges.


    Risk of cyber-attacks increases to minimize disruption to operations and supply chains.

    Joint actions with Government

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    ‘How It Is — How It Will Be’:

    GoGlobal Trade would assemble a dedicated team to drive initiatives, ensuring cross-functional expertise and buy-in from key stakeholders. A Task Force would use its knowledge and examples of best practice to consider how this might contribute to on-going efforts to promote inward investment in priority sectors.

    A deliverable would be to implement a gap analysis which would present a unique opportunity to contribute to successful results; an increase of local sourcing; long term business agreements and development support; enhancement of the business environment and development of support for local businesses and foreign direct investment; with focus on the development and employment of the national workforce with contribution dedicated to training and education programmes.

  • Development of Services Sector; Task Force to consider current challenges and forthcoming opportunities for the development of national Services sectors as part of a strategy to develop greater indigenous capability in the sector; these activities to include attracting cooperation agreements with technology transfer.
  • Development of Manufacturing Sector; Task Force to consider current challenges and forthcoming opportunities for the development of national Manufacturing industries as part of a strategy to develop greater indigenous capability in the sector.
  • Local content strategy & Implementation; Define programme to contribute to the growth of sustainable local supply chain capacity. A comprehensive view of demand and supply, and basis for scenario planning with localization and local content development initiatives to advance the outcomes of local content programmes.
  • Enterprise Development and Inward Investment Programme; Task Force to utilise the current work already initiated and to consider strategies to stimulate the Promotion, Growth and New Development of local companies with best practice examples to be reviewed.
  • FTA advisory, Digital economy, Single Trade window, Cost recovery mechanisms & Phytosanitary support; Trade requires a comprehensive, integrated, and inclusive framework. GoGlobal Trade supports clients in navigating the policy and negotiation landscape.
  • Industrial Capacity Register; as a source of reference to identify current and potential capacity in key sectors. Task Force to understand the on-going work of national agencies in this area and with reference to best industry practice consider how these efforts could be assisted.
  • Standards, Tendering Processes, Specification, Code of Practice, Health & Safety; Task Force to consider how harmonisation can be linked to a Code of Practice.
  • Training, Skills, Human Resource Development; Task Force to assemble available information on the programmes underway, develop a collective understanding and identify strategies to accelerate progress.
  • Research and Development; Task Force to make a strong connection to current national R&D programmes that are taking place and to identify additional opportunities in that effort.

  • Regions

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    Africa Anglophone

    Africa Francophone

    Africa Lusophone

    Africa Arabic

    Middle East

    Asia China

    Asia North

    Asia Oceania

    Asia South east

    Asia South


    Europe East

    Europe West

    Europe South

    Europe North

    America North


    Latin America Central

    Latin America North

    Latin America South