Joint actions with Government

Joint actions With Government

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GoGlobal Trade would assemble a dedicated team to drive initiatives, ensuring cross-functional expertise and buy-in from key stakeholders. A Task Force would use its knowledge and examples of best practice to consider how this might contribute to on-going efforts to promote inward investment in priority sectors.

A deliverable would be to implement a gap analysis which would present a unique opportunity to contribute to successful results; an increase of local sourcing; long term business agreements and development support; enhancement of the business environment and development of support for local businesses and foreign direct investment; with focus on the development and employment of the national workforce with contribution dedicated to training and education programmes.

  • Development of Services Sector; Task Force to consider current challenges and forthcoming opportunities for the development of national Services sectors as part of a strategy to develop greater indigenous capability in the sector; these activities to include attracting cooperation agreements with technology transfer.
  • Development of Manufacturing Sector; Task Force to consider current challenges and forthcoming opportunities for the development of national Manufacturing industries as part of a strategy to develop greater indigenous capability in the sector.
  • Local content strategy & Implementation; Define programme to contribute to the growth of sustainable local supply chain capacity. A comprehensive view of demand and supply, and basis for scenario planning with localization and local content development initiatives to advance the outcomes of local content programmes.
  • Enterprise Development and Inward Investment Programme; Task Force to utilise the current work already initiated and to consider strategies to stimulate the Promotion, Growth and New Development of local companies with best practice examples to be reviewed.
  • FTA advisory, Digital economy, Single Trade window, Cost recovery mechanisms & Phytosanitary support; Trade requires a comprehensive, integrated, and inclusive framework. GoGlobal Trade supports clients in navigating the policy and negotiation landscape.
  • Industrial Capacity Register; as a source of reference to identify current and potential capacity in key sectors. Task Force to understand the on-going work of national agencies in this area and with reference to best industry practice consider how these efforts could be assisted.
  • Standards, Tendering Processes, Specification, Code of Practice, Health & Safety; Task Force to consider how harmonisation can be linked to a Code of Practice.
  • Training, Skills, Human Resource Development; Task Force to assemble available information on the programmes underway, develop a collective understanding and identify strategies to accelerate progress.
  • Research and Development; Task Force to make a strong connection to current national R&D programmes that are taking place and to identify additional opportunities in that effort.