
Exporters Network
Exporters Network Manufacturing
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Flavoring Extracts and Syrups Nec
Lösungsorientiert werden Gemenge- und Scherbenanlagen für die internationale Glasindustrie neu gebaut oder modernisiert. Von der Planung über die Fertigung bis hin zur Inbetriebnahme - alles aus einer Hand in höchster Qualität größte Zuverlässigkeit und hohe Lebensdauer. ZIPPE liefert Lösungen die sich rechnen - jederzeit und weltweit. Construction or modernisation of glass batch plants and cullet plants for the international glass industry – always with a solution in mind. From planning to manufacture and on to commissioning – everything from a single source in the best possible quality with the utmost reliability and a long working life. ZIPPE supplies solutions that are worth it – at any time and anywhere in the world.
PFM è un'azienda che realizza rettifica lappatura satinatura e taglio a idrogetto in campo ceramico. Lavoriamo con la migliore tecnologia per garantire un risultato efficiente e sempre all'avanguardia per il cliente. Il nostro tratto distintivo è il continuo lavoro di ricerca e di risposte personalizzate per il cliente: quattro linee di lappatura rettifica e ricavo di sottoformati tre impianti di taglio ad idrogetto uniti al nostro laboratorio per la lavorazione di pietre naturali acciai resine vetri legni e laminati ci rendono leader nel settore. PFM company is specialized in ceramic grinding lapping glazing and water cutting techniques. We work with the best technologies to guarantee the highest result for the costumer.
For more than 100 years, the world has turned to Elliott for the design, manufacture and service of critical turbomachinery. Our primary products are centrifugal and axial compressors, steam turbines, power recovery expanders, and lubrication and other auxiliary systems for rotating equipment. Elliott products and services are used throughout the world in the oil and gas, refining and petrochemical industries, as well as in other process and power applications. We have earned a reputation for quality, efficiency and reliability in our products and our people. Our primary manufacturing facilities are located in Jeannette, Pennsylvania (USA) and in Sodegaura, Chiba (Japan), and we maintain a global network of more than 30 sales offices and service centers, for regional access and local response. Elliott is a wholly owned subsidiary of Ebara Corporation headquartered in Tokyo, Japan.
Masias Maquinaria es una empresa con más de 75 años de experiencia dedicada exclusivamente a la fabricación de equipos especialmente diseñados para proporcionar la mejor solución al relleno de todo tipo de fibras con el fin de ayudar a nuestro clientes a mejorar y optimizar sus procesos de producción. El ADN de la empresa está basado en la innovación i la búsqueda de la mejor solución para cada cliente estas sinergía nos han permitido ser expertos en la entrega de proyectos llave en mano en los sectores del comfort el no tejido el reciclaje de los desperdicios de producción y en los últimos años en la producción de rellenos para la industria de la confección.
Celebrating our Centenary in 2015 Charles Parsons today is a successful multi-faceted group operating throughout Australia and New Zealand with a growing export business to Asia as well as the Northern Hemisphere. Founded in 1915 by Charles Leslie Parsons Charles Parsons and Company remains a privately owned 4th generation family business with a proud heritage and diverse expertise in textiles and fabrics. Commencing in 1915 supplying fabrics to suit manufacturers Charles Parsons has expanded across almost every category wherever fabric or textiles are used. This includes the supply of roll stock fabric from basics to high fashion performance sport school and corporate wear home textile market in drapery upholstery and finished goods including cushions throws and napery. Our Centenary is a very special milestone and one of which we at Charles Parsons are incredibly proud. It is a testament to our many customers as well as our predecessors within the business and our team today whose collective experience is unrivalled. There will be a number of updates throughout this special centenary year. We look forward to sharing them with you soon.
Arrowhead is a manufacturer of custom molded fiberglass and plastic parts. Our capabilities in thermoplastic include: Heavy gauge thermoforming with a maximum sheet size of 9ft x 9ft Sheet thicknesses anywhere between .030" - .400"+ Light assembly Drape forming Strip heating and bending Plug assisted forming Forming with a predraw box Our capabiilites in fiberglass include: Gel Coat Process Hand Lay-Up Process Resin Transfer Molding Spray-Up Process Cold Press Molding Vacuum Bag Molding RTM Lite Compression Molding Closed Cavity Bag Molding We also offer: CAD development tooling development engineering services CNC Trimming and other support related processes
Turbines and Turbine Generator Sets
American Pan the world's leading provider of custom bakery pans and coatings offers design solutions unique to each bakery's needs. Our commitment to quality service and innovation results in pans of quality and durability.
Pronar to w 100% polska firma która nieustannie i dynamicznie si rozwija inwestuje w unikalne na skale europejska rozwizania w zakresie produktów i technologii- po to aby by producentem niezalenym i samowystarczalnym. Jestemy najwikszym pracodawc w pónocno-wschodnim regionie kraju. Oferujemy konkurencyjne warunki zatrudnienia a wybranym kandydatom oferujemy zakwaterowanie i dofinansowanie do posików. Firma jest niekwestionowanym liderem w produkcji i sprzeday maszyn i urzdze dla rolnictwa usug komunalnych oraz brany transportowej z blisko 50-procentowym udziaem w polskim rynku oraz liczcym si w wiecie producentem kó do maszyn rolniczych i komunalnych elementów pneumatyki i hydrauliki siowej osi do przyczep a take profili stalowych i elementów z tworzyw sztucznych. Przez lata zaangaowanie innowacyjno nowoczesno i najwysza jako sprawiy ze maszyny i urzdzenia z Narwi konkuruj na midzynarodowych rynkach i z sukcesem je zdobywaj. Firma posiada sie dealersk we wszystkich krajach Unii Europejskiej Skandynawii i Rosji. Swoje produkty eksportuje do ponad 60 krajów na kontynent afrykaski do obu Ameryk czy Nowej Zelandii. W zwizku z cigym rozwojem firmy poszukujemy: konstruktorów inynierów technologów specjalistów ds. handlu i obsugi klienta logistów menaderów redniego i wyszego szczebla Od kandydatów oczekujemy przede wszystkim kreatywnoci i niestandardowego mylenia. Poszukujemy osób dla których technologie i technika s nie tylko zawodem ale przede wszystkim pasj. Wejd na i obierz z nami nowy kierunek!!!
GEDK HOLDNG’ in temeli 1963 ylnda kaynak sarf malzemesi üreticisi olarak kurulan GEDK Kaynak ile atlmtr. GEDK Kaynak ticari hayatn yllar içinde baaryla devam ettirmi ve sektöründe lider konuma gelmitir. GEDK HOLDNG daha sonra faaliyet alanlar arasna döküm vana sermaye piyasalar eitim gibi pek çok sektörü katm ve bu alanlarda da öncü kurulularyla Türkiye’nin en köklü ve en saygn kurumlar arasnda yerini almtr. GEDK HOLDNG bünyesinde 1500’ün üzerinde kii çalmaktadr. Holding yeniliklere ve yatrma verdii önemle her geçen gün büyüyen kendisini global ve lokal ekonomik artlara ve deiimlere uydurabilen stratejik alanlardaki gelimeleri yakinen takip edip hzl reaksiyon gösterebilen geni bir topluluk haline gelmektedir. Gedik Kaynak ve Döküm Grubu’nun Türkiye genelinde stanbul merkez ofis olmak üzere Ankara Bursa Antalya zmir Adana Trakya Erzurum Kayseri Konya Samsun Eskiehir’de bulunan bölge müdürlükleri ile yaygn bir sat ve hizmet a bulunmaktadr. Grup Avrupa’daki müterilerine daha hzl hizmet verebilmek amacyla 2009 ylnda Hollanda’da Gedik Europe adyla bir sat ofisi açmtr. Bunun yan sra Grubun Amerika Rusya Ortadou Kuzey Afrika Güney Asya bölgelerinde partnerleri bulunmaktadr. GEDK HOLDNG tüm dünyada talep gören GEDK Kaynak ve GEDK Döküm ürünlerini çeitlendirmek ve kapasitesini artrmak amacyla Sakarya Hendek 2. Organize Sanayi Bölgesi’nde 261.700 m²’ lik bir alan üzerinde yepyeni ve modern bir tesis kurmutur. GEDK HOLDNG ülkemizde kaynak bata olmak üzere ilgili sektörlerdeki nitelikli eleman gereksinimini gidermeye katkda bulunmak ve sosyal sorumluluk bilinci ile 1994 ylnda GEDK Eitim ve Sosyal Yardm Vakf’n (GEV) kurmutur.
Die Hafner Maschinenbau GmbH produziert im eigenen Werk Kupplungen Verbindungswellen sowie Maschinenelemente und im Besonderen auch individuell angefertigte Sondermaschinen. Die Produkte werden weltweit vertrieben. Durch CNC-gesteuerte Präzisionsmaschinen und CAD-Techniken können unsere erfahrenen und kompetenten Fachspezialisten exakt und schnell auf Kundenbedürfnisse eingehen. Unter dem Markennamen HA-CO finden Sie eine Vielfalt von hochwertigen Kupplungen und Verbindungswellen. Der Name Hafner steht seit über 30 Jahren für Präzision Qualität und Flexibilität.
PolyJohn is the world's leading manufacturer of portable restrooms. We're also experts at helping companies grow. If you're in the portable sanitation business - let's talk. 800.292.1305
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