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Exporters Network Environment
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Calfarme is an ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 14001:2004 Certified Company that design manufacture and supply of bio-cleaning and hygiene products.  In this industry Calfarme has no equal worldwide in being an integrated product development manufacturing sales and service company. This structure allow the company to deliver superior customer benefits at highly competitive price levels. Calfarme believes that operational excellence should be complimented by a product range that is supportive of environmental protection. For this reason we have products that comprise mainly biodegradable or recyclable materials. In washroom cleaning and deodorizing products for example we utilize biotechnology to do away with traditional polluting and hazardous chemicals. Calfarme has pioneered this particular aspect of biotechnology for washroom hygiene cleaning and odor control. For the company it translates to higher workforce morale and enhanced company image. And these benefits can be achieved through our proven environmentally friendly and just as important cost-effective washroom hygiene products and systems. At Calfarme our management team and staff are committed in promoting a green and sustainable environment and continue to serve you through innovative and cost saving with our environmentally friendly product range. Calfarme is proud to be a partner of the Singapore Green Labelling Scheme (Certification No: 043-033 ) with our products certified to meet the stringent standards in being environmentally friendly. Our products are environmentally sustainable with low carbon emissions improve hygiene and are non-toxic. All packaging are also made from at least 50% recycled contents with Oxo-biodegradable or Bio-composite materials.
Trisoplast is a patented highly effective and durable mineral barrier that was developed in the Netherlands by Trisoplast Mineral Liners It has become the preferred mineral barrier for landfill applications in The Netherlands as well as in an increasing number of countries world-wide. Not only has it been used for landfills & remediation but also in the fields of infrastructure & construction industry and landscaping projects. Besides the regular use for water insulation Trisoplast applications include industrial sites tank parks environmental facilities dredging spoil depots reservoirs contaminated soil waterways irrigation dams ponds et cetera. Results of extensive research by renowned independent institutes in several European countries show that Trisoplast has significantly better barrier properties in comparison with traditional barriers resulting in a very cost effective high level of environmental protection. Trisoplast has been applied successfully in European countries like The Netherlands Belgium France Spain Portugal Italy Germany Croatia Serbia Romania the Czech Republic United Kingdom Finland and Sweden as well as in a number of non-European countries e.g. Malaysia Singapore Argentina Chile and Mexico.
When Omaha homeowners and retirees Don and Sharene decided they'd waited long enough to treat themselves to an underground sprinkler system they called us. When Lenice needed someone to fix the mess another company had made of her residential sprinkler system she called us. And when the Scott Technology Center wanted a company to help them significantly reduce their commercial irrigation water usage they called us. Why We think our customers tell our story best. We invite you to visit our website and to watch our video testimonials at www.quality-irrigation.com. If you do you'll see that we're not landscapers or building contractors who install sprinkler systems on the side. We're specialists in installing repairing and servicing water-efficient underground sprinkler systems for Omaha homes businesses and large properties. From spring through fall Irrigation for lawns and landscaping is all we do every day. We work hard to understand our customers' wants as well as their needs and we're dedicated to making their lives a little bit easier and their lawns and landscaping a lot greener. We respond to all requests quickly and go “above and beyond” in order to exceed customers’ expectations. Most importantly we back all of our work with a 100% Satisfaction Guarantee.
GRUPO ADECUA es una corporación empresarial española líder en la consultoría medioambiental que engloba las siguientes compañías: Adecua Gestión y Control consultora medioambiental que desarrolla proyectos de ahorro de agua y energía así como Tratamientos de Prevención y Control de Legionella. Adecua Energy Systems consultora Tecnológica de Eficiencia Energética que desarrolla proyectos de ahorro de energía eléctrica y aprovechamiento de energía reactiva. ADplagas consultora de Higiene Ambiental que desarrolla proyectos integrales de Control de Plagas Urbanas y planes específicos de salud ambiental. Nuestro grupo presta servicios en más de 500 instalaciones turísticas sanitarias deportivas industriales y de ocio en España y Portugal. Nuestra filosofía: hacer su negocio más rentable. Adecua cuenta con una exclusiva tecnología que le garantiza una importante reducción en su consumo de agua y energía. Al gestionar sus recursos de forma responsable Adecua también le permite diferenciarse de su competencia mediante nuestro distintivo de Establecimiento Ecológico Nuestro objetivo: un mundo mejor conservado. Para GRUPO ADECUA la conservación del medio ambiente es un objetivo primordial que guía todas las acciones del Grupo tanto a nivel interno como las de los clientes que utilizan nuestros sistemas de optimización de consumos.
Nuestros productos están presentes en prácticamente todas las actividades industriales donde se deban manipular productos a granel o piezas. Especialmente URBAR está presente en sectores como Fundición Siderometalurgia Canteras y áridos Cerámica Minería Tratamiento de RSU (residuos sólidos urbanos) Construcción Prefabricados de Hormigón Agroalimentaria (harina caramelos congelados...) Vidrio Farmacéutica Plásticos Colorantes Fertilizantes Detergentes Cementeras...
Established in 1966 MetroBec is backed by over 4 decades of recycling experience. A multigenerational family-run company MetroBec is an innovator in the dealing brokerage and processing of all grades of ferrous and non-ferrous scrap metal. With our team of dedicated professionals and our extensive knowledge of industry trends MetroBec is a leader in metal recycling with an enviable reputation for customer service honesty and integrity. In keeping with our standard of excellence MetroBec's metal recycling facilities use the latest industry technologies. MetroBec is also an active member in good standing of C.A.R.I. (Canadian Association of Recycling Industries) and I.S.R.I. (Institute of Scrap Recycling Industries). MetroBec has a diverse variety of suppliers ranging from small local dealers to large industrial accounts. We are continually interested in purchasing a wide variety of ferrous and non-ferrous scrap metal.
FutureWater is a research and consulting organization that works throughout the world to combine scientific research with practical solutions for water management. FutureWater works at both global and national levels with partners on projects addressing water for food water excess water shortage climate change river basin management and irrigation. Our key expertise lies in the areas of quantitative methods often based on simulation models geographic information systems and satellite observations.
ECOSOFTT - Eco Solutions for Tomorrow Today (www.ecosoftt.org) - is a globally-networked innovation catalyst that specialises in decentralized and integrated management of water wastewater and environmental services. Our technology-based solutions create measurable change and lasting impact in both the developed and developing world. As a social enterprise we are built on the foundations of creating social impact whilst achieving sustainable growth. Our team of world-class professionals design and implement solutions appropriate to the local context to create shared value for our customers and the communities we serve. Our Water SMART Homes & Communities enable our customers and partners to: Reduce water wastage by up to 50% Recycle up to 80% of wastewater for non-potable reuse Discharge the remaining 20% to recharge water sources in an environmentally friendly way These technological innovations and tailor-made programmes are ideally suited for: • Integrated Townships • Residential Developments • Schools Colleges and Training Campuses • Hotels Resorts and Recreational Facilities • Hospitals Offices and Commercial Buildings • Food Industries • Agricultural Industries Our global headquarters and product innovation functions are conducted under ECOSOFTT Pte Ltd in Singapore. Our commercial projects and social impact activities are respectively carried out under Hindustan ECOSOFTT Pvt Ltd and SAAMARTH Social Service Organization & Charitable Trust in India.
Eco Control es el nombre comercial de nuestra organización es una empresa de ingeniería con una marcada vocación de servicio con base en la ciudad de Olavarría y Tandil importantes centros neurálgicos del centro de la provincia de Buenos Aires brindando servicios en plantas de todo el país. La creatividad y la innovación la ética en las conductas comerciales y el respeto a la persona son los valores que nos guían en las actividades. Nuestra misión es generar servicios y productos con máximo valor agregado colaborando en temas relacionados con la calidad del aire temperatura humedad ruido; trabajando en equipo con excelencia y base en la cultura de la organización y contribuyendo al desarrollo de la comunidad. Nuestros principales clientes son industrias cementeras ceramistas mineras producción de aluminio; así como organizaciones relacionadas a la salud y los alimentos. Actualmente nos encontramos en proceso de certificación de normas de calidad internacional ISO9001:2008 título que garantiza la calidad de nuestro procesos y servicios. Somos principalmente representantes oficiales de la marca mundialmente conocida de climatización de aire CARRIER para toda la región. También somos representantes oficiales de filtrantes para aire CASIBA y climatización por agua de la línea CALDAIA.
Tafisa Canada est une entreprise de renomme mondiale spcialise dans la fabrication de panneaux de particules bruts et de panneaux dcoratifs de mlamine thermofusionne destins au mobilier et la dcoration intrieure. Dune superficie de 65 000 mtres carrs (700 000 pieds carrs) et situe sur une proprit de 366 000 mtres carrs (4 millions de pieds carrs) lusine de Lac-Mgantic est aujourdhui lunit de production de panneaux de particules et de mlamine thermofusionne la plus grande et la plus moderne en Amrique du Nord. Tafisa Canada est une filiale dynamique de la socit Sonae Indstria le plus important groupe industriel priv du Portugal et lun des leaders mondiaux dans la fabrication de produits de bois composite et de panneaux dcoratifs de mlamine thermofusionne. Tafisa Canada is a world-class manufacturer of particleboard and decorative TFM (thermofused melamine) panels for furniture and interior design. The plant today measures 65 000 square meters (700 000 sq. ft.) on a property the size of 366 000 square meters (4 000 000 sq. ft.) and is the largest most modern particleboard and thermofused melamine (TFM) production facility in North America. Tafisa Canada is a subsidiary of Sonae Indstria the most important private industrial group in Portugal today and one of the worlds largest manufacturers of composite wood and decorative TFM panels.
Created in 2004 VAB Solutions Inc. is a partnership between Marc Voyer eng. and Jean Berube eng. both former directors at Optifor Inc. first provider of lineal grading optimizers for planer mills in North America. The mission of VAB Solutions Inc. is to develop manufacture sell and commission vision instruments for the forest industry using the latest technology. Achieving outstanding performance and offering a fair and competitive price are top priorities. The key feature of VAB Solutions Inc. line of products is the Lumber Grading Optimizer for planer mills. With 29 installations as of July 2014 its performance and simplicity to operate is accounting for its solid reputation across Canada. Headquartered in Levis on the South Shore of Quebec City VAB Solutions Inc. delivers solutions in Quebec Ontario the Maritimes Western Canada and Souteastern USA
Envirotech Engineering is a Calgary based company providing a broad range of Environmental Management & Consulting services. Our primary areas of services include environmental management regulatory compliance site assessment risk management and remediation.
La cura degli alberi e del verde è per noi una passione oltre che una professione. Fito-Consult da sempre si occupa professionalmente di alberi adottando le tecniche più innovative e più confacenti al rispetto della loro biologia. L’arboricoltura italiana è nata con noi nel 1982. Da allora rappresentiamo un punto costante di riferimento e di aggiornamento per il settore del verde ornamentale e ambientale. Fito-Consult è una azienda che opera a livello nazionale e internazionale con un'esperienza di oltre trent'anni. Siamo i pionieri dell'arboricoltura italiana ed europea avendo introdotto e divulgato i principi delle corrette cure da prestarsi agli alberi e agli spazi verdi. Primi in Italia abbiamo introdotto l’impiego della tecnica del tree-climbing l’arrampicata in pianta per effettuare lavori in quota per la cura e la salvaguardia delle piante. Grazie al nostro impegno abbiamo divulgato le idee e i concetti dei ricercatori leader del settore invitandoli direttamente nel nostro Paese a tenere seminari e convegni e workshop: Alex Shigo Klaus Mattheck Francis Schwarze Lothar Wessolly Kevin Smith Peter Bridgmann Katrin Joos Klaus Woodtly Pius Floris Klaus Vollbrecht Niels Hvass Ted Green Glean Read William Matthews Clive Sorrell Jim Clark Ken Palmer Cynthia Mills. Abbiamo pionieristicamente adottato la tomografia sonica per la valutazione di stabilità degli alberi per non danneggiare più le piante indagate con inutili perforazioni e numerose sono le tecnologie innovative di cui ci serviamo per offrirvi un servizio sempre più accurato. Anche la metodologia SIM di messa in trazione degli alberi è stata da noi diffusa sul territorio italiano. Le nostre attività comprendono: analisi di stabilità arboricoltura censimenti landscaping e realizzazione giardini tree-climbing consulenze fitopatologiche gestione di parchi e giardini divulgazione e formazione.
L’office de Génie Ecologique (O.G.E.) est une société de naturalistes de terrain investis dans la connaissance du patrimoine naturel dans la gestion des espaces naturels dans la conduite des projets d’aménagement dans l’enseignement et la formation continue. O.G.E. répond aux besoins en ingénierie environnementale des entreprises privées et publiques ainsi que des collectivités territoriales. L’équipe d’O.G.E. effectue des diagnostics écologiques et évaluations environnementales nécessaires à la réalisation des études réglementaires (volet milieu naturel de l’étude d’impact étude d’incidences Natura 2000 dossier de demande de dérogation bilan environnemental) et les autres documents de planification aux diverses échelles communales intercommunales départementales et régionales. O.G.E. assiste les maîtres d’ouvrages dans la mise en œuvre des mesures pour l’insertion des projets dans les milieux naturels (restauration ou création d’habitats naturels génie écologique transfert/déplacement d’espèces) et dans la conduite écologique des chantiers (assistance à maîtrise d’ouvrage communication). O.G.E. partage également ses expériences et expertises par le biais des colloques ou des formations auxquels elle participe et par ses publications notamment scientifiques. Ainsi nous contribuons à la recherche en écologie appliquée.
AcuityES manages and completes remediation and environmental compliance contracts throughout the United States. Our professional staff completes these projects from our headquarters located northeast of Indianapolis Indiana. Our clients include international and Fortune 500 firms law firms and the Department of Defense (specifically the Base Realignment and Closure program or BRAC). AcuityES is also a strategic teaming partner with other prominent environmental consulting firms.
NOVALAIR est spécialisée dans la maintenance et l’hygiénisation des réseaux eau et air (nettoyage des gaines et des systèmes de ventilation entretien des tours aéroréfrigérantes …) et autres prestations spécifiques telles que le revamping des installations l'audit et le contrôle des réseaux air et eau industrielle.
Kring Praktiserende Boomverzorgers is een vereniging van mensen die beroepsmatig met boomverzorging in al zijn facetten te maken hebben. Het belangrijkste doel van de vereniging is het bevorderen van de professionele standaard door middel van kennisuitwisseling tussen de leden onderling en met deskundigen van buiten. De KPB geeft 4 x per jaar het vaktijdschrift 'Bomen' uit Verzorgt 5x per jaar voor leden een themamiddag En verzorgt 1x per jaar de Nederlandse Kampioenschappen voor Boomverzorgers De KPB is onderdeel van de International Society of Arboriculture als Dutch Chapter
The Chesapeake Bay Trust is the only nonprofit grant-making organization dedicated to sparking on-the-ground change for the Chesapeake Bay and its tributaries in Maryland. Our goal is to increase stewardship through grant programs special initiatives and partnerships that support environmental education demonstration-based restoration and community engagement activities. The Trust receives approximately $4 million in contributions annually and reinvests those dollars through a variety of grant programs in community-led projects. In its first year the Trust funded just 10 grants. Since then through aggressive growth of our expertise capacity and funding the Trust has received over 10 000 grant requests awarding over $40 million to support environmental education and habitat restoration projects that have measurable impacts on the environment. We touch more than 150 000 Marylanders annually in every county in Maryland and Baltimore City. Our reason is simple: we believe that getting citizens involved is key to restoring the Chesapeake Bay
SEMS was established in 1992 and currently has 5 offices in the southwest region of the US with Baton Rouge LA serving as our Corporate Headquarters. SEMS is committed to customer service and satisfaction. Our mission is to attract train and retain highly skilled employees that are responsive to client needs and directives always bringing forth a total quality management team. Our services are broken down into major categories including: Remediation/Construction Demolition and Asset Recovery Industrial Services Storage Tank Services Engineering and Consulting Specialty Services Please view our website for more information about us and our services. www.semsinc.net
Parametrix is a 100-percent employee-owned firm dedicated to providing quality engineering planning and environmental sciences with superior client service. Founded in Washington in 1969 Parametrix now has offices across the western United States and over 350 professionals providing multidisciplinary services in transportation environmental planning & compliance community building and water solutions. Parametrix guides clients through the decision-making process required to achieve practical cost-effective solutions for each project. We achieve this objective by maintaining a staff of some of the most talented engineers scientists and project managers in the business. Our foundation of success is that our employee-owners are committed to consistently providing products and services that reflect our clients’ needs and expectations.
Seit 1934 hat sich Anticimex von einem schwedischen Familienunternehmen zu einem internationalen Unternehmen mit 3500 Angestellten entwickelt die über 2 2 Millionen Kunden betreuen. Wir sind in Australien Belgien Dänemark Finnland Deutschland Holland Italien Neuseeland Norwegen Portugal Spanien Schweden Österreich und der Schweiz vertreten. Bei Beginn unserer Tätigkeit waren wir das einzige Unternehmen das dem Kunden eine Garantie zur Schädlingsfreiheit bot statt jede Bekämpfungsmaßnahme einzeln zu berechnen. Dies ist eine Geschäftsstrategie die wir auch heute noch verfolgen. Diese Strategie brachte uns schon sehr früh zu vorbeugenden Maßnahmen. Unser Motto – ” Vorbeugen und bewahren” ist die Umformulierung einer früheren Arbeitsweise. Bei dieser Arbeitsweise geht es um die Verantwortung für Gesundheit und Lebensqualität der Menschen. Heute ist die Tätigkeit weiter entwickelt und ist darauf ausgerichtet unbedenkliche Umgebungen sowohl für Unternehmen als auch für Privatpersonen zu schaffen. Anticimex sichert die Lebensmittelproduktion von Unternehmen schützt Restaurants vor Bakterien hilft Unternehmen ihren Brandschutz zu verbessern beugt Feuchtigkeitsschäden aller Arten in Wohnungen vor und unterstützt Hauseigentümer beim Energiesparen.
Intrinsik Environmental Sciences is a recognized leader in the field of human health risk assessment ecological risk assessment and environmental toxicology. Intrinsik’s areas of expertise include multi-media exposure modeling probabilistic risk analysis landscape scale risk assessment toxicity evaluations development of toxicological benchmarks pesticide product support and occupational and environmental medicine. In addition Intrinsik's scientists are very knowledgeable in the area of risk communication and public consultation. Our senior staff have considerable experience in litigation appearing as expert witnesses in court proceedings and regulatory hearings. The Intrinsik approach to consulting includes personal interaction with the client right from the initial introductions through providing a proposal and ultimately generating the work product. As a privately held employee owned firm Intrinsik is flexible in our approach and does not have any competing interests in providing advice to our clients. Our values include providing high level science quality and a timely product. We are dedicated to constant improvement of our scientific capabilities as we help our clients manage their environmental issues. From our offices across Canada and the United States we have successfully addressed the chemical contaminant risk management needs of North American and global clients.
PLM Lake & Land Management Corp. is a woman owned business whose goal for over thirty years has been to protect your property from the aesthetic and economic damage caused by invasive plant species. We provide a team of expert biologists foresters ecologists and managers to evaluate your environment prioritize existing problems and develop plans to prevent new infestations. PLM offers a variety of watershed management tools products and services including lake and pond surveys vegetation mapping (AVAS) invasive species management plans herbicide and algaecide applications for aquatic and terrestrial species bathymetric mapping water quality testing aquatic harvesting aeration / fountains fish assessments and right of way (ROW) management. Our company also caters to the invasive plant and algae control needs of power generation companies. Our proven watershed management cycle “Evaluate Prescription Implementation” assures constant care and follow-up measures for each customer. PLM Lake & Land Management Corp. (formerly “Professional Lake Management”) has locations in four states: Michigan Minnesota North Carolina and South Carolina.
ESSC is a Jesuit research institute that promotes environmental sustainability and social justice through the integration of scientific methodologies and social processes. Building scientific capacity requires group commitment and integrity to see changes made and discern with a deeper human spirit our life in the world.
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