
Exporters Network
Exporters Network Environment
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We support California’s goal of maintaining a healthy ocean for the benefit of current and future generations. We are a boundary organization. We work across the traditional boundaries between government science and communities to build trust in ocean science for policy and management. We act as a liaison bringing useful science to decisions about the ocean's future. We are a non-profit established pursuant to the California Ocean Resources Stewardship Act of 2000. Learn more about us at: http://www.oceansciencetrust.org/about/ Follow us on Twitter @CaliforniaOST Like us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/OceanScienceTrust
Com a necessidade de preservar o meio ambiente torna-se cada vez mais imprescindível dispor de equipamentos de controle de poluição que garantam níveis de emissões permissíveis tecnologia confiabilidade baixo custo de implantação baixo custo operacional e principalmente que avalie possibilidades de regeneração dos resíduos gerados. Com essa mentalidade fundamos a ECOPLAS em 1994 instalada atualmente em Mogi Guaçu - SP em área propria de 6.800 m2. A ECOPLAS é altamente especializada no desenvolvimento e implantação de sistemas de ventilação industrial e equipamentos de controle de emissões atmosféricas elaboração de projetos fabricação e montagem de equipamentos e peças especiais e também em serviços de manutenção corretiva e preventiva. Temos como principais metas: » Atendimento altamente técnico por profissionais qualificados; » Projetos com total transparência sobre tecnologias aplicadas; » Equipamentos confiáveis com menor custo disponível; » Acompanhamento pleno de nossos técnicos em todas as fases da implantação; » Qualidade total
Leading consultancy in the area of environment and natural science. Our experts are experienced in the environmental services related to different infrastructure projects: roads and highways airports railways energy transmission networks waste treatment plants and renewable energy facilities (wind farms photovoltaics).
Established in 2006 Scorpion Containment Solutions has become the benchmark for professional service and high quality products. With over 80 +years combined industry experience Scorpion Containment Solutions is Western Canada’s fastest growing supplier and installer of high quality geosynthetic products. Our focus and commitment is to supply quality geosynthetic products and services that perform to the highest environmental and industry standards. Our production and installation crews are IAGI certified so that every installation is completed on schedule and on budget. Whether it’s a small secondary containment application to the largest water processing facility Scorpion Containment Solutions knowledgeable staff are committed to ensuring your experience is a positive one.
Hedging Plants Direct is based near Colchester Essex and was established in 2010. The container nursery is set in the picturesque heart of constable country and is the base for all UK mail orders of bare root root balled and potted varieties of hedging from small plants to well established hedges including Laurel Hawthorn Hornbeam and Privet. From the site in Dedham Hedging Plants Direct is also able to undertake major planting schemes in the east of England especially Essex and Suffolk. This ranges from small privacy hedges up to mile long hedges for planning projects. In 2015 Hedging Plants Direct launched 'Haag Planten Direct' into the Netherlands to offer its high quality hedging delivered direct to customer.
Advanced Plastic Recycling Inc was established in December 1999 Our number one purpose is to meet all of our customers recycling needs. We have the ability to provide you with a wide variety of quality toll services for the plastic industry including pelletizing densifying grinding sorting and baling. We can also implement a recycling program which supplies a beneficial and consistent inlet/outlet for scrap plastic material feeds which can be transported to and/or from our customers. Every member of our team of professionals takes pride to reach this goal and achieve customer satisfaction.
Our mission at Greenhaven Landscapes is to help you design install and maintain your ideal outdoor environment. By listening to you responding to your home’s architecture and being respectful of your site’s unique assets and challenges; we create the perfect setting for all of life’s special moments. When it comes to landscape design we think beyond the physical materials and focus on creating spaces and experiences with a consistent dialogue between you your home and your environment. Upon landscape installation we go beyond the printed piece of paper and continue tweaking and adjusting the design to ensure that the overall intentions come to life in even the smallest detail. When it comes to landscape maintenance our state and national award winning maintenance team will care for your investment. We ensure that your landscape will be a place for you to live laugh and love for many years to come. Throughout our relationship with you we learn your preferences earn your trust and engage in a long-term relationship with you and your landscape. Inspired Design. Skillful Installation. Thoughtful Maintenance. Greenhaven Landscapes Inc. Your Landscape… Your Greenhaven.
DC Plastics is the largest in KZN with collection points around the country and thus an integral player in the ever-important process of transforming potential environmental hazards into a variety of reusable material.
Rottneros produces market pulp i.e. paper pulp that is sold on the open market in contrast to pulp that is produced at mills with integrated paper production. Rottneros has an annual production capacity of just under 350 000 tonnes of pulp produced at two mills in Sweden. In 2014 Rottneros employed around 250 people the majority in Sweden and had sales amounting to approximately SEK 1.5 billion. Rottneros' shares have been listed on what is now NASDAQ OMX Nordic Stockholm since November 1987.
The Convergence of Science & Care KYZEN has been pioneering award-winning environmentally responsible advanced cleaning technologies for the world since 1990 by fusing our commitment to groundbreaking science in cleaning chemistries and research with the care we have for your manufacturing cleaning process and your success. That means we take the time to really get to know you and understand your needs so well that we can create and provide the most effective environmentally-friendly cleaning technologies and solutions for your specific situation. We continuously improve our cleaning agents and problem solve to create the most effective cleaning products and solutions to suit your specific needs. And we are meticulous in our attention to detail in meeting those manufacturing cleaning needs. KYZEN’s Global Reach spans over 49 countries 144 cities and growing with over 260 team members available to serve you.
The National Cleaner Production Centre (NCPC) is the foremost Cleaner Production solutions provider in Sri Lanka. The centre was established by UNIDO under the Ministry of Industry and Commerce to assist enterprises in adopting Cleaner Production (CP). Founded in early 2002 the centre has over ten years of experience promoting Cleaner Production and resource efficiency in various industrial and non-industrial sectors in the country. NCPC which is funded by the Royal Norwegian Government works very closely with the chambers associations and individual industries to prevent/ reduce negative environmental impacts in the country. NCPC is a member of the UNIDO/UNEP Global Network of Cleaner Production Centres and is also a member of the Resource Efficient and Cleaner Production Network (RECP.Net). The centre has competent and dedicated in-house staff of CP consultants supported by a panel of external resource persons
Pro Shield Pest Control Services is a team of dedicated positive and well trained professionals who is unconditionally committed to provide the most effective pest control services with big concern for safety and environment. While we’re always hard at work improving the quality and range of our services every team member knows that successful solutions begin with listening carefully and asking questions. It’s the only way for us to fully understand and solve your problems. All our technicians are well trained and certified from Dubai Municipality and all pesticides used by us comply with the specifications approved by the Municipality. Toll Free: 80073275 Tel.: 043888235 Fax: 043888855 Email: [email protected] EN - Website: http://www.proshield.ae AR - Website: http://www.ar.proshield.ae Pro Shield Pest Control Services is a team of dedicated positive and well trained professionals who is unconditionally committed to provide the most effective pest control services with big concern for safety and environment. While we’re always hard at work improving the quality and range of our services every team member knows that successful solutions begin with listening carefully and asking questions. It’s the only way for us to fully understand and solve your problems. Pro Shield Pest Control Services accomplishes this through: 1. Certified and well trained technicians 2. Better communication with the customer 3. Respond to customer needs 4. Proper inspection 5. Quick emergency response 6. Quality Management and assurance 7. Consulting Services We’re certified professionals and good listeners. Toll Free: 80073275 Licensed by the Dubai Municipality. Website: Eng www.proshield.ae AR www.ar.proshield.ae
At Direct Solar Care the whole team carries the same ethos; to ensure the customer is happy at all times and all work is completed to a standard we are proud of on each and every occasion. We are an established solar panel protection and maintenance company based in Leicester with a team who are capable of completing regular cleaning and bird proofing of solar panels at domestic and commercial properties. From a visit to pigeon proof your panels through to regular work cleaning and making sure your solar panels are performing to the expected levels Direct Solar Care are always on hand whenever you need us.
California Recycles Inc. is a socially conscious Recycling Waste Management Company. Our company is committed to providing a convenient method for recycling by promoting a one stop business philosophy.California Recycles is a full service recycling company from e-waste to composting.
Conservation Corps Newfoundland and Labrador is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing youth with training and employment in environmental and cultural heritage conservation. Goals: (1) To work with communities and partners to enhance restore and sustainably develop the natural and cultural resources of the province. (2) To help young people gain leadership teamwork and employment skills. (3) To develop and promote a strong conservation ethic in Newfoundland and Labrador. CCNL was created in 1992 by the Economic Recovery Commission to increase quality employment training and career-development opportunities for youth and community partners within the province in the areas of environmental and cultural enhancement. CCNL is a provincial community-based organization that works to facilitate a strong environmental ethic and create partnerships and capacity in communities across the province to address environmental and cultural issues. Focusing on environmental and cultural projects has allowed CCNL to provide strong employment training as well as a stronger connection for young people to their communities encouraging youth to be more active in the development and conservation of the local environment and cultural resources. CCNL has used direct employment programs such as the Internship and Green Team Programs and general public education and outreach initiatives to educate a wide audience on environmental issues. Since 2002 with the addition of the Climate Change Education Centre (CCEC) thousands of young people in schools and youth organizations throughout Newfoundland and Labrador have been made aware of the local impacts of climate change and been encouraged and supported to take action to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions in their daily lives.
Dolmans Landscaping Group bestaat uit de volgende bedrijven: Dolmans Landscaping Pius Floris Boomverzorging Monsdal buitenbeheer Wieringen Prins Hoveniers Dolmans Sports Dolmans private gardens L+P Jacques van Leuken Gardens Parks and Estates. Dolmans Landscaping Group heeft door de vestigingen in Limburg Noord-Brabant Zeeland Noord-Holland Gelderland Drenthe en België landelijke dekking bereikt. Door de vele specialismen die de Dolmans Landscaping Group in huis heeft worden zowel bedrijven overheden als particulieren bediend. Dolmans Landscaping Group komt voort uit een rijke hovenierstraditie en gelooft nog steeds in de kracht van vakmanschap. De kennis van onze medewerkers wordt op peil gehouden via constante scholing en bijscholing ervaring dragen we op elkaar over. Zo combineren we de liefde voor het vak met een focus op innovatie. Ontwikkelingen in de markt worden nauwgezet in de gaten gehouden en getoetst aan hun praktisch nut. Een nieuwe techniek passen we toe zodra deze mogelijkheden biedt een project beter of efficiënter uit te voeren. Dat vereist inzicht maar vooral betrokkenheid en de ambitie het altijd beter te willen doen. Met trots kijken we terug op gerealiseerde projecten.
PAPELERA NACIONAL S.A. se constituy legalmente el 28 de febrero de 1961 en Ecuador Cantn Marcelino Mariduea y tuvo como socios fundadores a las compaas norteamericanas W.R. Grace INC. International Paper CO. Sociedad Agrcola e Industrial San Carlos S.A. y a la Organizacin Noboa. El inicio de las operaciones arranc en 1968 con una produccin de papel kraft de 10.000 toneladas mtricas por ao y el montaje de una planta de pulpa de bagazo de caa de azcar para aprovechar las materias primas fibrosas generales del azcar del Ingenio San Carlos y utilizarlas en las fabricacin de papel. A travs de los aos se fueron realizando ampliaciones en la capacidad instalada de la fbrica; se adquirieron nuevos equipos as como tecnologa que se incorpor en procesos de control y preparacin de fibras. Actualmente la produccin llega a 150.000 toneladas mtricas de papel kraft por a
Wij zijn terreininrichters en hoveniers in hart en nieren! Op basis van klantwensen worden werkzaamheden zorgvuldig en efficiënt uitgevoerd of het nu gaat om tuinaanleg terreinonderhoud boomverzorging of het aanleggen van een daktuin. Deze werkzaamheden voeren wij uit voor bedrijven particulieren en talloze non-profit organisaties. Uiteraard is het bovengenoemde maar een kleine greep uit al onze werkzaamheden. Wij zijn eveneens actief op het vlak van: tuinontwerp terreinaanleg snoeien van bomen aanleg van vijvers onkruidbestrijding grasmaaien rietplanten hydro-cultuur tuinonderhoud terreininrichting levering beplanting ecologisch beheer en bestratingen.
Envac AB is one of the leading environmental technology companies in Sweden and the global leader in the vacuum waste collection industry. Envac invented the automated vacuum waste collection system. The first system was installed in 1961 and today the systems are found all over the world - in residential areas business premises town centres industrial kitchens hospitals and airports. The technology makes waste collection a part of the underground urban infrastructure just like electricity sewage water supply etc. The technology is in all meanings of the word a sustainable solution. Envac has 35 offices in 22 countries in Europe North and South America the Middle East and Asia. The Envac group is organized in four business regions: Asia Middle East and India North Europe and South Europe and the Americas. In addition Envac AB owns Envac Optibag AB (100%). Envac Optibag specialise in optical sorting systems. Envac is fully owned by Stena Adactum AB a company in the Stena Sphere. The Stena Sphere generated total revenue of MSEK 55 968 in 2014. Income before tax amounted to MSEK 2 832. The number of employees is approximately 19 000. President & CEO of Envac AB is Mr Claes Scheibe. Chairman of the Board of Envac AB is Mr Christer Öjdemark.
The Global Environment & Technology Foundation (GETF) established in 1988 is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based near Washington DC with a mission to promote sustainable development through partnerships and targeted action. GETF seeks to shape a brighter future for communities and the environment by developing innovative strategic plans creating high-impact partnerships introducing new technologies and managing programs that have a lasting and positive impact on the world. GETF focuses upon three core issues as the basis of its efforts: Water & Sanitation Clean Energy & Climate Change Sustainability GETF has successfully served a wide range of clients including the White House federal and state agencies leading foundations Fortune 500 corporations non-governmental organizations and multilateral development agencies. With a result-driven team and a deep breadth of experiences gained over the past 20 years GETF is uniquely positioned among nonprofit organizations to design and implement high-value lasting programs and partnerships. GETF’s work is driven by a simple principle: Sustainability challenges are solvable if we work together.
SEA Gruppo srl è un'Azienda fornitrice di servizi integrati per Aziende Private e Pubbliche Amministrazioni in materia di Salute e Sicurezza nei luoghi di Lavoro Ambiente e Qualità. La mission di SEA Gruppo è ESSERE IL REFERENTE UNICO DEI NOSTRI CLIENTI. Punto di forza di SEA Gruppo sono le Risorse Umane: il Gruppo è costituito da 100 addetti suddiviso in 6 Business Unit: - Sicurezza sul lavoro - Laboratorio Analisi & Visite Mediche - Formazione (anche in modalità e-learning) - Ambiente & Rifiuti - Sistemi di Gestione - Ingegneria: Progettazione Impianti / Prevenzione Incendi / Gestione dell'Energia Mettendo insieme queste molteplici competenze e differenti know-how SEA Gruppo offre ai propri Clienti la serenità per affrontare al meglio il futuro nel segno distintivo di Sicurezza-Ambiente-Qualità. Con sede a Fano (PU) SEA Gruppo può vantare un parco clienti di 1800 Aziende convenzionate 6000 Aziende occasionali 300 Pubbliche Amministrazioni e 130 Istituti Scolastici del Centro Italia. L’elevata esperienza e professionalità dei Tecnici SEA Gruppo unita alla dinamica organizzazione aziendale consente di coprire tutte le esigenze tecnico-scientifiche necessarie per operare nei vari settori economici e con qualsiasi Organismo di Certificazione scelto dal cliente.
cbec specializes in eco engineering for the water resources industry. cbec has a diverse range of staff highly experienced in these areas with innovative and holistic approaches to solving problems. We focus on floodplain and channel management fluvial and tidal wetland rehabilitation and green urban stormwater.
Silkstone Environmental are a Sheffield based consultancy who offer a range of services including Site Investigation Topographical / Land Surveying Measured Building Surveying Planning Permitting Licensing and Landfill Engineering (including design materials testing and CQA). Silkstone employ professionals including Geotechnical Engineers Engineering Geologists Waste Managers Mineral and Waste Planners Contaminated Land Specialists and Surveyors. The senior partners within the practice have over 50 years of relevant experience from the Mineral Exploration Geotechnical Site Investigation Waste Management Geoenvironmental Surveying Construction and Civil Engineering industries across the UK and overseas.
Lehet egy vállalatot gazdaságosan ÉS zölden mködtetni Teremthet harmónia a gazdasági fejldés és a környezetvédelem között Környezeti hatásainak kérdését ma már nem hagyhatja figyelmen kívül egy hosszú távon gondolkodó cég vezetsége sem. Környezetvédelmi szakértink segítenek Önnek hogy vállalkozása számára üzleti elnyt jelent értékké váljon a környezetvédelem!
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